No Unjust Transition

Sign the No Unjust Transition petition, to help stop the federal ban on oil and gas, that will destroy jobs and the economy:

Who's Signing?

Luree LeBlanc
Bonnie Stevenson
Teresa Klassen
gail fletcher
Larry Kroeker
Verna Neufeld
Lawrence Morgan
Clifford Thiessen
Shirlee Little
Joel Powell
Roanna Rempel
Sharon Sadler
Glynn Williams
Bob Challborn
David Yake
Beverley Bossuyt
Mike Deputat
Laurence Willis
Michelle Byam
Jack Kleinsasser
Wayne Litke
Meighen Russell
Dianne LeMoignan
Cathy MacMaster
Luke Laurence
Ray Mills
Rae Gordon
William Maarsman
Kyle Boutilier
Jean Parsons

Showing 14380 comments

  • Luree LeBlanc
    signed 2023-06-29 18:06:12 -0600
  • Bonnie Stevenson
    signed 2023-06-29 16:36:01 -0600
  • Teresa Klassen
    signed 2023-06-29 14:52:17 -0600
  • gail fletcher
    signed 2023-06-29 10:33:12 -0600
    this attack on albertans and the oil patch must stop now.
  • Larry Kroeker
    signed via 2023-06-29 09:55:16 -0600
  • Verna Neufeld
    signed 2023-06-29 08:59:01 -0600
  • Lawrence Morgan
    signed 2023-06-29 08:25:22 -0600
    Trudeau, Quebec & NDP are in love with our Oil Dollars but have a severe hate our Oil. So you dont want our oil than you cant have our money.
  • Clifford Thiessen
    signed 2023-06-28 22:34:55 -0600
    No to just transition!! Stop thisTyranny Now!!
  • Shirlee Little
    signed 2023-06-28 22:16:24 -0600
  • Joel Powell
    signed 2023-06-28 21:47:42 -0600
    We definatly have to fight against the eastern laurentian’s lamebrain liberal fantasies and malicious unconstitutional policies in the name of green transition and fallacious climate change arguments. Next election we have to transition the libs out of power! Bring it on!
  • Roanna Rempel
    signed 2023-06-28 20:21:35 -0600
  • Sharon Sadler
    signed 2023-06-28 19:29:58 -0600
  • Glynn Williams
    signed 2023-06-28 18:58:14 -0600
  • Bob Challborn
    signed 2023-06-28 18:12:18 -0600
  • David Yake
    signed via 2023-06-28 18:11:16 -0600
    We will never survive as a country
  • Beverley Bossuyt
    signed 2023-06-28 17:15:06 -0600
  • Mike Deputat
    signed 2023-06-28 16:47:45 -0600
  • Laurence Willis
    signed 2023-06-28 15:19:43 -0600
  • Michelle Byam
    signed via 2023-06-28 15:19:25 -0600
  • Jack Kleinsasser
    signed 2023-06-28 15:01:28 -0600
  • Wayne Litke
    signed 2023-06-28 14:30:45 -0600
  • Meighen Russell
    signed 2023-06-28 13:00:51 -0600
  • Dianne LeMoignan
    signed 2023-06-28 12:34:58 -0600
  • Cathy MacMaster
    signed 2023-06-28 11:52:04 -0600
  • Luke Laurence
    signed 2023-06-28 11:21:02 -0600
  • Ray Mills
    signed 2023-06-28 11:00:10 -0600
  • Rae Gordon
    signed via 2023-06-28 10:51:44 -0600
  • William Maarsman
    signed 2023-06-28 10:14:25 -0600
  • Kyle Boutilier
    signed 2023-06-28 09:57:48 -0600
  • Jean Parsons
    signed 2023-06-28 09:56:18 -0600