Stand Up For Alberta Energy
Join the campaign to Stand Up For Alberta Energy here!
3,797 signatures
Goal: 5,000 Signatures
Winston Churchill famously criticized appeasers, saying: "each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last."
His point was that repeated compromise that allows your opponent to repeatedly shift the goalposts only delays your inevitable demise, rather than preventing it.
If the federal government and environmental radicals are today's crocodiles, and Alberta's energy industry is the meat, why are we still feeding them?
Anyone who thinks these crocodiles intend to stop feeding after the first few bites is deluding themselves.
Under the guise of "Build Back Better" and a "Just Transition" Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning a deliberate and systematic elimination of all oil and gas development within Canada.
The appointment of radical eco-activist, Steven Guilbeault, as Minister of Environment and Climate Change was just the opening salvo in their war to "save the world" from Climate Change.
The government says that they only plan to cap oil and gas emissions, but not total oil and gas production.
Some in the energy industry say this is fine because technological advances will ensure that they can increase production while remaining within the government's cap.
You can almost hear the crocodiles chewing.
Or should that be ticking?
Another radical environmentalist, David Suzuki, recently warned at an Extinction Rebellion rally that "there are going to be pipelines blown up if our leaders don't pay attention to what's going on".
While oil and gas workers have struggled to find work for years, and many massive projects have been cancelled, blocked, or abandoned, thanks to government policy, the activists are so far to the left that they think our leaders aren't even paying attention.
Which leads to the obvious question - what would our leaders paying attention look like to these guys?
The answer, of course, is the complete shut down Canada's entire oil and gas industry, and violent protests if they don't get their way.
Keystone XL.
Energy East.
Teck Frontier.
Coastal Gaslink and TransMountain.
Chomp chomp.
How many more projects, how many more jobs, how many more livelihoods should we feed to the crocodiles before we wake up and realize that they don't plan on stopping, and appeasement doesn't work?
How about zero.
Let's stop feeding the beast and start protecting Albertans instead.
Stand Up For Alberta Energy:
Another day, another major project cancellation.
This time, Quebec has rejected a natural gas export project for the Port of Saguenay that would have exported 11 million tonnes of LNG from Western Canada.
This is another blow to our energy sector that has dealt with hit after hit for the better part of five years.
The project, valued at $9 billion, also included a plan to build a 780-km natural gas pipeline from northern Ontario to Saguenay.
Quebec Environment Minister, Benoit Charette, stated that the Energie Saguenay project had "more disadvantages than advantages".
Well, it's pretty easy for Quebec to say these projects don't have significant advantages for Quebec because Quebec gets equalization money from Alberta whether or not these projects go ahead.
In fact, Quebec gets more money from Alberta if the project doesn't go ahead because the equalization formula says Quebec should be "compensated" for having reduced tax revenue.
That's right, Albertans are compensating Quebecers for Quebec destroying jobs in Alberta!
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
To make matters worse, the "disadvantages" of the project that Quebec cited when cancelling it are, of course, environmental.
Natural gas contains CO2, and so the environmental activists want the whole thing cancelled.
What they forget though is that natural gas is actually far lower in emissions than almost every practical alternative, and the natural gas that would have been exported from the Port of Saguenay would have replaced coal - one of the worst CO2 emitters.
So, the environmentalist's move to shut down Alberta's energy sector will actually just cause more coal to be used and therefore more harm to the environment than if we just let our cleaner energy sources compete with sources outside of the country with higher emissions and less stringent environmental regulations.
"We need to understand that the project would in all likelihood have led to a global reduction in GHG emissions," said Miguel Ouellette, Director of Operations at the Montreal Economic Institute.
So, cancelling this project made no sense economically, and actually made the environment worse!
That just about sums it up, doesn't it?
In Alberta, we know that no matter what we do, dominant political forces in eastern Canada will do everything in their power to completely shutter our energy industry.
For the past seven years, that has led to constant, never-ending regulation, litigation, and negotiation with special interest groups until project backers run out of time and money and have no choice but to give up.
Alberta and our energy industry can't take any more of this.
There must be no more delays, no more cancellations, and no more taking advantage of Alberta's resource revenue while rejecting our resources!
We need your help.
Ottawa may not be listening, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be loud and proud and stand up for ourselves in the face of never-ending attacks on our livelihood.
Now is the time for every Albertan to stand up and tell the federal and Quebec governments that enough is enough; that our voices matter too.
Please sign the petition telling Quebec and Ottawa that they must immediately stop their attacks on Alberta's energy industry.
3,797 signatures
Goal: 5,000 Signatures
Winston Churchill famously criticized appeasers, saying: "each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, the crocodile will eat him last."
His point was that repeated compromise that allows your opponent to repeatedly shift the goalposts only delays your inevitable demise, rather than preventing it.
If the federal government and environmental radicals are today's crocodiles, and Alberta's energy industry is the meat, why are we still feeding them?
Anyone who thinks these crocodiles intend to stop feeding after the first few bites is deluding themselves.
Under the guise of "Build Back Better" and a "Just Transition" Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is planning a deliberate and systematic elimination of all oil and gas development within Canada.
The appointment of radical eco-activist, Steven Guilbeault, as Minister of Environment and Climate Change was just the opening salvo in their war to "save the world" from Climate Change.
The government says that they only plan to cap oil and gas emissions, but not total oil and gas production.
Some in the energy industry say this is fine because technological advances will ensure that they can increase production while remaining within the government's cap.
You can almost hear the crocodiles chewing.
Or should that be ticking?
Another radical environmentalist, David Suzuki, recently warned at an Extinction Rebellion rally that "there are going to be pipelines blown up if our leaders don't pay attention to what's going on".
While oil and gas workers have struggled to find work for years, and many massive projects have been cancelled, blocked, or abandoned, thanks to government policy, the activists are so far to the left that they think our leaders aren't even paying attention.
Which leads to the obvious question - what would our leaders paying attention look like to these guys?
The answer, of course, is the complete shut down Canada's entire oil and gas industry, and violent protests if they don't get their way.
Keystone XL.
Energy East.
Teck Frontier.
Coastal Gaslink and TransMountain.
Chomp chomp.
How many more projects, how many more jobs, how many more livelihoods should we feed to the crocodiles before we wake up and realize that they don't plan on stopping, and appeasement doesn't work?
How about zero.
Let's stop feeding the beast and start protecting Albertans instead.
Stand Up For Alberta Energy:
Another day, another major project cancellation.
This time, Quebec has rejected a natural gas export project for the Port of Saguenay that would have exported 11 million tonnes of LNG from Western Canada.
This is another blow to our energy sector that has dealt with hit after hit for the better part of five years.
The project, valued at $9 billion, also included a plan to build a 780-km natural gas pipeline from northern Ontario to Saguenay.
Quebec Environment Minister, Benoit Charette, stated that the Energie Saguenay project had "more disadvantages than advantages".
Well, it's pretty easy for Quebec to say these projects don't have significant advantages for Quebec because Quebec gets equalization money from Alberta whether or not these projects go ahead.
In fact, Quebec gets more money from Alberta if the project doesn't go ahead because the equalization formula says Quebec should be "compensated" for having reduced tax revenue.
That's right, Albertans are compensating Quebecers for Quebec destroying jobs in Alberta!
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
To make matters worse, the "disadvantages" of the project that Quebec cited when cancelling it are, of course, environmental.
Natural gas contains CO2, and so the environmental activists want the whole thing cancelled.
What they forget though is that natural gas is actually far lower in emissions than almost every practical alternative, and the natural gas that would have been exported from the Port of Saguenay would have replaced coal - one of the worst CO2 emitters.
So, the environmentalist's move to shut down Alberta's energy sector will actually just cause more coal to be used and therefore more harm to the environment than if we just let our cleaner energy sources compete with sources outside of the country with higher emissions and less stringent environmental regulations.
"We need to understand that the project would in all likelihood have led to a global reduction in GHG emissions," said Miguel Ouellette, Director of Operations at the Montreal Economic Institute.
So, cancelling this project made no sense economically, and actually made the environment worse!
That just about sums it up, doesn't it?
In Alberta, we know that no matter what we do, dominant political forces in eastern Canada will do everything in their power to completely shutter our energy industry.
For the past seven years, that has led to constant, never-ending regulation, litigation, and negotiation with special interest groups until project backers run out of time and money and have no choice but to give up.
Alberta and our energy industry can't take any more of this.
There must be no more delays, no more cancellations, and no more taking advantage of Alberta's resource revenue while rejecting our resources!
We need your help.
Ottawa may not be listening, but that doesn’t mean we can’t be loud and proud and stand up for ourselves in the face of never-ending attacks on our livelihood.
Now is the time for every Albertan to stand up and tell the federal and Quebec governments that enough is enough; that our voices matter too.
Please sign the petition telling Quebec and Ottawa that they must immediately stop their attacks on Alberta's energy industry.
Who's Signing?

Showing 2896 comments
We (Canada) have been committed to a path that we, among the G7, walk alone in a delusional belief that all alternative energy sources are better than our oil & gas. How many of those cost more or have a equally big footprint when all production costs are included?
How many of those will we find that ultimately require some byproducts of oil & gas to produce & will now become excessively expensive because we shut down the source materials needed?
Will the federal government pay for the oil & gas sector employees/contractors to re-train? Will they ensure that they are placed in a field with a future to retirement?
I do believe we need to reduce our dependency on oil & gas & that we need to invest in alternatives BUT shutting down oil & gas is NOT THE ANSWER.