End Equalization
Join the campaign to End Equalization here!
Fiscal imbalances in Confederation have long been a sticking point for provinces across the country.
Some provinces consistently pay more in federal taxes than they receive in federal program spending, while others contribute less to the federal pool than they get back from Ottawa.
Equalization is perhaps the clearest example of such a program: a literal wealth redistribution scheme that takes from “have” provinces to give to “have not” provinces.
Alberta is by far the largest contributor to equalization, with aggregate financial losses exceeding $650 billion since the program was established in 1957 - while averaging about $20 billion per year over the past.
And in 2021, Alberta voted to abolish equalization entirely.
But other provinces are regular contributors too - British Columbia, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador, in particular.
And now, these provinces are joining in the fight.
Newfoundland and Labrador are launching a constitutional challenge of the equalization formula, and Saskatchewan and British Columbia have said they will join in.
It's incredibly pleasing to see premiers of all political stripes coming together in opposition to this failed policy.
But, we do need to make sure that the end result isn't something even worse!
Instead of tinkering with the divisive equalization program, it needs to be abolished before it tears our country apart.
If you agree, sign our petition to End Equalization today.