Why Are Albertans Talking About Sovereignty?

With just a few days left until we find out who the next Premier of Alberta will be, I was pleased to be invited on the "Grey Matter" podcast to talk about the impact western alienation has had on the leadership race, the policies of the leading candidates, and what this means for the chances of Alberta successfully achieving greater independence - whether that be inside or outside of Canada.

You can listen to the full podcast episode now, here:



In what was an incredibly in-depth interview, I was asked about my take on how and why Project Confederation's policies and ideas have been front and centre during this leadership race.

I pointed out that as long as there is a hostile administration in Ottawa, we in the west are in danger of future attacks on our freedoms - whether that be environmental policies designed to hurt our industries, overreach of power through measures such as the Emergencies Act, or tax-and-transfer schemes like a potential windfall tax on our energy companies.

I believe the reason that the concepts of sovereignty and autonomy have become the dominant themes of this leadership race is that we're worried about the economy, we're worried about our financial situations due to rising costs, and we're worried about the steps the federal government might take to try and stop the bleeding in the rest of Canada.

We're worried about how badly they can hurt the west in order to buy votes in the rest of the country.

Leighton and I also had a great conversation about the differences between Alberta and Quebec when it comes to autonomy and independence. We explored some of the cultural differences and similarities between the sovereignty movements in those two provinces, and the impact that the cultural aspects have had on the way we do commerce.

I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed doing it!

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    followed this page 2022-10-26 20:03:07 -0600
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