Referenda Updates

Earlier today, the provincial government confirmed that Albertans will be voting on a second provincial referendum this fall in conjunction with the municipal election!

In addition to the already-announced equalization referendum, the government have announced that Albertans will be voting on a second referendum question on... daylight savings.

Yeah, we felt a bit let down too.

Regardless of your thoughts on whether we should keep changing our clocks or not, this isn't exactly the referendum vote we were hoping for.

The equalization referendum is a vital first step in improving Alberta's future, but it is far from sufficient.

Premier Kenney, at various times in the last two years, has promised referenda on:

  • Creating an Alberta Constitution
  • Adding property rights to that Alberta Constitution
  • Replacing the RCMP with an Alberta Police Service
  • Introducing an Alberta Pension Plan

Instead, all we got was a vote on a time change.

We are tremendously disappointed that these four important initiatives will not be voted on in the fall as they are all necessary in order to keep pushing Alberta towards achieving a fairer deal.

Still, referenda aside, our mission has not changed: to get Alberta a fair deal in whatever legal configuration that requires.

Over the next few weeks, we will be outlining the case for each of these four major policies, explaining why they are important to Alberta's future and why we need them.

We won't be giving up on these issues, just because the provincial government seems to think they're not important.

In fact, we plan to re-double our efforts and ensure that we keep all these issues alive beyond this fall, and force the government to listen.

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