Join The Campaign To End Equalization
In 2018, the federal Liberal government took the unprecedented step of renewing the equalization formula for five years (2019-2024) without even discussing the issue with the provinces.
In fact, almost no one noticed they had done it until it was too late.
The Saskatchewan government suggested keeping the existing formula for 50% of the equalization program, but converting the other half of the program into a straight per-capita distribution of money, equally by population to every province.
The Alberta NDP government did nothing.
Now, five years later, they're going to try and screw us all over again.
Once again, the federal government is planning to renew the equalization formula for another five years.
And once again, they're doing so earlier than required, and they're trying to sneak it through without anyone noticing.
In a blatant attempt to avoid any serious discussions about the inequality inherent in the formula, they're burying the extension in the middle of a 400-page omnibus budget motion.
They were also clearly hoping that by pushing it through right in the middle of the Alberta election, we would all, once again, be too busy to notice.
Well, Mr. Prime Minister, there's one big difference between 2018 and 2023...
In 2018, Project Confederation didn't exist.
In 2023, we do.
And we noticed.
And we don't intend to let you get away with it this time.
We can't afford to let the federal liberals get away with it this time.
We need to fight back.
And if you care about the future of Western Canada, we need your help to do so.
If you want to get actively involved in our new End Equalization campaign, please sign up here.
When we first proposed holding a constitutional referendum to abolish equalization, a lot of people thought that was impossible.
They thought that we'd never even get a vote, never mind win it!
But together, we achieved that big first win.
Now, it's time to finish the job.
Together we can End Equalization.
Join the campaign to End Equalization now.
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