Andrus In The News

Our Executive Director, Josh Andrus, has been engaging with a lot of media recently, to address critical challenges and opportunities facing Canada. 

So we thought we’d send you a roundup of his latest media appearances and key insights, all together in one place, to help you keep on top of the stories shaping our province and our efforts to secure a prosperous future for all Canadians. 


Oil and Gas World Magazine


Watch the Interview


In an interview with Oil and Gas World Magazine, Andrus explores the financial and political challenges faced by Western Canada within the Canadian Confederation.

Andrus highlights the substantial fiscal contributions that Alberta has made over the years, significantly through the Canada Pension Plan, and the province's resultant sense of alienation. 

He delves into our 'Can't Stop Alberta Tour,' sharing insights from community feedback and the potential benefits of an Alberta-specific pension plan that could stimulate local economic activity by reducing payroll taxes for both citizens and businesses.



Talk Truth


Watch the Episode


In a recent episode of Talk Truth, Josh delves into the complexities of Canadian federalism and illuminates the mission of Project Confederation. 

Doubling down on his commitment to address the fractures within confederation by respecting provincial jurisdiction, he highlights the historical and ongoing challenges to national unity, the intricacies of federal and provincial jurisdictions, and the urgent need for electoral and fiscal reforms.



Western Standard

Read Josh Andrus' latest articles in the Western Standard, where he tackles various pressing issues:



Our team is working tirelessly, not only to provide you with weekly newsletters but also to ensure our message reaches as many people as possible.

Your support helps us continue our mission to advocate for a fairer Canada. 

If you want to help us continue getting media attention on these important issues, please make a contribution today:



Thank you for staying informed and involved.

Together, we can make a difference.


The Project Confederation Team

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  • Josh Andrus
    published this page in News 2024-08-08 00:29:26 -0600