Eric Duhaime Speech In Calgary

Late last month, we had the privilege of hosting an event with Éric Duhaime, the leader of Quebec's Conservative Party. 

During the course of the evening, it became evident that Alberta and Quebec share common ground in our collective fight against federal overreach. 

The concept of provincial jurisdiction lies at the heart of Canadian democracy, ensuring that diverse regions with unique aspirations have a voice in governance.

As a vast nation, Canada thrives on its regional diversity.

However, when federal policies adopt a "one-size-fits-all" approach, it undermines our national unity.

Both Quebec and Alberta have taken decisive steps to safeguard provincial jurisdiction, notably opting out of the federal government's push for national pharmacare.

If you missed the event, you can catch Éric’s speech here:



We would like to thank all the attendees who helped make the event a success.

Furthermore, I would like to thank everyone who has attended any of a number of the public events that I have made appearances at - I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the numerous thought-provoking discussions I’ve had the opportunity to engage in with so many of you!

Your ongoing support means the world to us.

Together, we can continue to champion the principles of federalism and defend the autonomy of our provinces.

Thank you for standing with us!


Josh Andrus
Executive Director
Project Confederation

P.S. Your generous contributions fuel our efforts to protect provincial jurisdiction and uphold the principles of federalism. If you believe in our cause and are in a financial position to help us, please consider making a donation today. Every contribution, no matter the size, helps us in our mission to ensure a stronger, more unified Canada. Thank you for your continued support!

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  • Joshua Andrus
    published this page in News 2024-03-12 00:38:18 -0600